
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Get Ready, Get Set, Go! The 2011 NaNoWriMo Begins

It's that magical time of year again.

Yes, that time.

The time when writers, their faces full of palour and want, can go forth and let their imaginations frolic in the warm sun.

When would-be novelists, can become real novelists!

When daises sing and unicorns...

Oh never-mind.

It's NaNoWriMo! National Novel Writing Month -- when writers from all around the world converge in the ethers of cyberspace to join in the frivolity and festivity that is known as novel writing. For 30 days and 30 nights we write, and write, and write, with the hopes of gallantly reaching that finishing line carrying a hefty 50k-word novel in our pockets.

Will we succeed? Maybe. Will our respective spouses and pets leave us forever out of festering bitterness over being ignored for an entire month? Probably. Will we have fun? You bet.

It's Day One of the challenge and the excitement is palpable... and if you have only just heard about it, well, it's not too late! If you have a novel you have been dreaming to write one day, or have one stored away, awaiting a dust-off, the time is now.

Because if now is not the time, when will be? 


  1. Hi Joel,

    Nice to 'meet' you. I'm looking forward to following along this month via AEDM.

    Serena :)

  2. I'm attempting NaNoWriMo also, along with AEDM, should be fun!

  3. Hi Missy - me too! It's sure going to be a busy month. Hope that we get through it :)

  4. Hi Serena - thanks for stopping by! Good luck with AEDM :)
