Sunday, November 7, 2010


Who's taking part in NANOWRIMO this year?
ME! That's who!

So what if I am a week late in starting?
So what if I only came up with a novel idea today?
So what if my idea has already been milked by a hundred other authors till its nothing left but a barren pile of dust too dead to fertilize a garden?

The point is, I am nearly 2000 words into my novel and I am determined to finish this challenge. The point of NANOWRIMO is not to write the-next-great-novel. It's not even to write a 'good' novel. The point is to write a novel. Any novel. As long as it is over 50,000 words by the end of November, I will have won the challenge and proven to myself that I can do this sort of thing. I can be self motivated. I can be inventive. I can stick to dead lines and work on big projects with nothing to help me but a word processor, an mp3 player and more caffeine than you can throw a cow at.

Are you interested in taking part of the NANOWRIMO challenge too?
Well, if it's not too late for me, it's not too late for you.
Check it out at:

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